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Face Coverings; The Struggle It Brings To Stores

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced that from the 10th July 2020, wearing a face mask is mandatory at all times for people visiting stores. The Scottish government also advised face coverings should also be worn while shopping to keep visitors safe and stop the spread of the coronavirus. Although Police Scotland have said they struggle to enforce these rules, they can fine shoppers not wearing a face covering up to £100.

This new law has caused a divide in the nation, with one half adhering to the rules and wearing their face covering and the other half refusing as they feel it doesn’t make any difference to the spread of the virus. Shops in Scotland have been impacted majorly with this new law, alongside having to implement social distancing measures, they are now having to make sure every shopper is now wearing a face covering.

Although many shoppers in Scotland do follow the face covering guidelines, there is still a select few who aren’t quite as ready to make the change to wearing a mask as they feel it is unrealistic and unfair. Staff members in stores are being encouraged to tell customers to put on their face covering when entering their stores, the new law states that businesses and stores have the right to refuse customer service, just as they were to turn anyone away for being aggressive or rude. However many staff members have voiced their opinion on feeling uncomfortable telling someone what to do and would rather assume the shopper has a hidden disability or health issue.

‘Kate’s Boutique’ In Glasgow is one of the many small businesses in which has been impacted by the virus. The store has many customers daily ranging from teenagers to the elderly who come in looking to purchase unique clothing articles.

Owner of Kate’s Boutique said: “If a customer doesn’t come in my store wearing a mask, I assume there is a reason for it and 95% of the time, on most occasions they enter wearing one, and if they weren’t wearing one, I wouldn’t be confrontational with them.”

Many shoppers are exempt from wearing face coverings, due to health issues or disabilities, therefore they can get a lanyard or badge that lets staff know that there is a reason that they are not following government guidelines. However, this can cause issues as many shoppers feel that they are being frowned upon and feel uncomfortable with being asked to put on a face covering if they aren’t wearing their badge or lanyard, letting staff know why they are exempt.

Kate said: “Not a lot of people in my store wear the lanyards, I think we just have to accept that is what happens. Many of my customers, including my daughter refuse to wear one because it is standing you out, and I can understand why they wouldn’t want to wear one.”

Kate also commented on the issue of customer confrontation when it comes to wearing face coverings, she said: “I had one woman demanding another woman to put a mask on, and I had to politely told her that the other girl was exempt.”

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